Current Projects



This upcoming project in Cambodia is a teacher resource center. Currently the teaching staff do not have a central location to store materials and meet with one another in order to educate students in a collaborative way. The space will also include an area where students can sit in an open space to watch educational videos that can be shown on a large screen. 



This is a project that will build dorms for orphan boys in India. Currently the boys are sleeping in a temporary shelter. King’s Kids Children’s Home is located east of Hyderabad. This is the second project being built at the orphanage. Students for Richmond Secondary School (Canada) helped build three classrooms in 2018. You can support this latest project through the links on this website. We can provide a tax receipt for donations.




The envisioned plan involves the creation of a rugby-themed training center at Leifiifi College (Secondary School). This centre will encompass a complete weight room designed to accommodate large groups simultaneously. It will have changing rooms that can host other school teams for competitions. By Introducing weight training equipment to student athletes at the ages of 15 or 16, this can significantly enhance their achievements. This space can also be used for Physical Education classes. We recognize the vital role physical activity plays in the long term well being of a person and we aim to provide a space to help foster this goal.