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Proudly a Western Canadian based foundation

Years of work
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Welcome to International Community Developing Projects

Sustainable development of communities across the globe

We understand that a global community is more likely to succeed if all its members have access to resources that facilitate overall collective growth. Therefore, our work aims to improve the educational, social, and economic prospects of individuals and communities in need. To help communities become vibrant, successful, and self-sustaining, we focus on a holistic approach—one that looks at the interdependencies between the health, safety, welfare, and success of its people.

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Collaborating with communities around the globe!

We strive to bridge gaps between communities.

Enhancing accessibility for families.

Training facilities for youth.

Building dorms for boys orphanage.

Our Experience

Hear from the Founder

“Experiencing different cultures in such an intimate way teaches you that there is so much more to learn from people around you and that your way to live is not the only way.”

“But the biggest lesson I learned from my trip was that challenge and adversity truly forges unbreakable bonds with those around you. My fondest memories all relate to the learning, growing, building, and doing that we did together. For the opportunity to have had that experience, I am immensely grateful.”

Kevin Matheny
